Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Lady of Paris

 What a beaut..

I took these shots during Maggie and Alexa's visit but they are some of my favorite I've taken thus far so I thought they deserved the respect of their own post. A girl once told me to go to Notre Dame during mass, religious inclination aside, and I was so glad we took her advice. The eerily beautiful singing and rows of bowed heads added to the dim gothic feel of the place. Apparently you can climb to the top so that's my next venture as soon as the sun comes out. I need to see those flying buttresses up close. Venez soleil! 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sing a song

Song of the moment, i've got this sucker on repeat. Merci beaucoup Bran-don!

We since three

 Tunnel to the Arc de Triomphe.

 Hello sir. 
 Up, up, up the Eiffel Tower.
 At Mix Club. 
 Shmags and demon shoes! 
 Angelina Tea Room. Nom nom. 
 The most amazing hot chocolate known to man. 
 Yes, I can see the Eiffel Tower from my kitchen window.
Le soleil. 
Maggie, Alexa and I spent such a fun Valentines Day weekend together.  Alexa flew from Florence, Maggie chunneled from London and we took Paris by storm! Several croque monseiurs, trips to the Eiffel Tower, baguettes, bed picnics, gloves, and bottles of wine later I think they were really appreciating all that Paris has to offer. Our most daring feat was the nap we all three took in my twin-sized dorm room bed.. Now that's friendship. I also feel I have a moral obligation to make it known how absolutely amazing the hot chocolate is at Angelina Tea Room. If Paris had a taste I think this would be it. Thick and rich, petite and compact, dressed up beautifully, not too sweet, overpriced, indulgent, luxurious and good until the last drop. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

To be or not to be

Per usual I am about 3 steps, or in this case 3 posts, behind. Here are a few shots from the Shakespeare and Company bookstore. I was told by co-workers this winter that I would be eternally shunned if I didn't visit while I was in Paris, so I made a stop in and was not disappointed. It is lined floor to ceiling in books and everyone speaks English hallelujah! The book store opened in 1951 in the famous Latin Quarter near the Sorbonne, so it's just a 10 minute walk from my classes. The most beautiful part of the shop is the upstairs reading room. There's a spot where you can sit and see Notre Dame and the Seine river out the window.. bliss. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I left my life in Barcelona

 La Sagrada Familia
Theta in Europe!
Port Vell.

 Rainbows and champagne.
 View of the beach.

 Street market on Las Ramblas.

Here are some long overdue Barcelona pictures. What a city. It gave me a welcome to Europe punch in the liver pretty much as soon as I landed. The lifestyle there is unbelievably relaxed. They take in life day by day and do things on their own schedule. The two hour "siesta" they take everyday is the perfect example of their laissez-faire attitude. It was so good to see friends and sights, to eat well and to drink and not be carded. Cheers! I couldn't have asked for a better trip. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Walk until your legs fall off

My new favorite song. Hate to love it.

I finally got my classes today for the Sorbonne after several months of anticipation. I can't tell you how shocked I was when they just handed me my textbook and told me it was "gratuit".. free. J'aime la France. We spent the day walking around the 1st arrondissement where we happened across an awesome street market and some really cool boutiques. I love how unique everything is here, it is starting to make me question chains (excluding target). Later we had a cheese tasting, and I died a little inside from sheer joy. Ahh cheese you never disappoint. Tomorrow is my first day of classes and Alexa and Maggie arrive, I can't wait! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bonjour Paris!

J'arrive en Paris!

 First view of the eiffel tower from the river.
 A bottle of wine to celebrate la vie de Paris! 
 All lit up at night. 
 7 am view from my bedroom window.
 Outside the international club. 
 Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione.
 A day in Montmartre.

 Le sacre coeur.
The creperie where we ate in Montmartre.
I could not have asked for a better start to what is sure to be an amazing semester in Paris! Barcelona was so much fun I almost didn't make it out alive, and actually didn't make it out with my credit card.. oops. My first day in France was a bit hazy from the jetlag and lack of sleep, but day two I took off running and haven't looked back since. I've stayed true to my procrastinating self and have a few hundred pictures to upload, but here is a picture recap of what I've done so far. It's so mind boggling to see things in real life you have read about and seen in pictures for years, its made my first week very surreal. As far as new discoveries go, Montmartre is such a beautiful place. Around every corner is a little shop or alleyway to peep your head into. The hilly cobblestone streets and pristine apartments are so quaint and the view of the city from Sacre Coeur is absolutely breathtaking. The crepes at the end of the tour didn't hurt either :) nom nom so far I'm living off baguettes, cheese and pizza?